We at www.astronumber.com might use your e-mail id to contact you to deliver some info related to astrological and numerological significance, which may be of interest to you. In case if you wish not to receive these info, you can opt out by writing to us and we will remove your mail id from our data. We also don't sell your mail is's to third party.
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We at www.astronumber.com use ccavenue.com secured payment portal for your safety. Kindly contact ccavenue in case of any dispute or suspicious activity. This will help to take corrective action by ccavenue.
General information
We at www.astronumber.com confirm that we maintain your details and other info confidential - however with any internet use there are inherent risks which are beyond our control. Therefore kindly do not share very personal info thro internet. After placing order, the client can also send a mail to contact@astronumber.com or call our office to inform the order placed. Order place by you can be inter-changed for other services, subject to written confirmation from our end. However the client if for any reason is not satisfied with our service should not opt for legal course, as it is understood that the client has read the terms and conditions of our service, before taking such service from us.
Acceptance / Consent
It is understood that you are visting www.astronumber.com at your own free will, knowing the significance of Astrology and Numerology consultations and its limitations. We at www.astronumber.com or dr. PR Sundhar Raja are not liable to any legal action and you are taking the service based on your own decision and risk. Also you should desist from posting negative review in any media about www.astronumber.com